February Specials
Scrum-Half Nectar is a new easy-drinking amber coloured beer launched to coincide with the start of the 6 Nations tournament. 4.1% ABV. Scrum-Half Stout, smooth and quaffable, also returns, 4.4% ABV. Continuing with the dark beer theme, Plymouth Porter is back again. We will be donating 5p per pint sold to the Chestnut Appeal for Prostate Cancer. 5.0% ABV.

Akela IPA
Our brewer Dan has created a new beer called Akela IPA. We generally only use hops grown in England but for this beer we have used Wolf hops from Slovenia. It has an ABV of 4.8% and it’s fruity with hints of passion fruit, citrus fruits and spices. It has been going down a storm in the Fortescue on Mutley Plain – the first firkin was drunk in four and a half hours!
The pump clip was illustrated and created by the very talented Dawn Louise Simms. If you’re lucky enough to catch a pint of in the Fort you may be doubly lucky and be served by the artist herself….!
Tamar, Blondie, First Light
Our specials for June now that summer has arrived….
Tamar Best Bitter, golden brown coloured bitter at 4.3% ABV.
The return of one of our summer favourites Blondie at 4.6% ABV.
Our strong summer golden ale is also out now, First Light at 5.5% ABV.
Cellar Vee, Devon Frost & Ninja
Our specials for April – a couple of old favourites and hopefully some reverse psychology to get the weather to warm up!
Cellar Vee is a blast from the past, golden amber coloured bitter at 3.7% ABV.
It might be spring but there is still a nip in the air! Our golden Devon Frost is 4.5% ABV.
Another old favourite and part of the early Summerskills line up, Ninja is amber and late hopped with Celeia 5.0% ABV.
Scrum-Half Stout and Plymouth Porter
Fancy something dark and smooth to enjoy whilst watching the rugby? Our Scrum-Half Stout is available during February and March at 4.4% ABV.
Our November Porter got quite a following so we are now brewing it regularly as Plymouth Porter at 5.0% ABV. 5p per pint sold is donated to the Chestnut Appeal for Prostate Cancer.